What is Instant Orthodontics?
Watch this video to learn more about how certain cases of crooked teeth can be quickly corrected using various cosmetic dentistry techniques.
Let’s say you’re looking in the mirror, you smile and you see that your teeth are not quite straight. They’re jumbled up. Or maybe they’re really jumbled up and you think, ‘wow, I’m sure I need braces or something, but I don’t want to go through all of that, spend two years or more wired up, the inconvenience of it all, all the appointments, every week.’ What if you want something that’s instant? Well, instant ortho is something we do a lot of.
That usually involves crowns, veneers, or combination of the two. We can visually take teeth that you see here that are all jumbled up and turn them into something nice, beautiful, straight. It’s really a work of art. It’s time consuming to plan this out just right. And we will take the time so it’s done, and we will know what it looks like before we ever, ever touch your tooth.
We will take the time to plan your case ahead of time so we know exactly what we’re going to get before we ever do it. So if you would like some instant orthodontics instead of waiting two or three years, please give us a call and see if it’s appropriate for you.