What is Invisalign?

Watch this video to learn more about Invisalign clear aligners for straightening crooked teeth as a superior alternative to traditional wire braces.


I’m sure many of you have heard about Invisalign. And what is Invisalign? Invisalign, just as it says, is almost invisible way of moving your teeth. No longer do you have all those wires that are hard to clean and snag your gums or just can be uncomfortable. You simply wear these trays 24/7 for about four to eight months. In most cases, everyone’s different. And this will move your teeth very simply and very quickly, and most of all, the most comfortable way of doing it.

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About John Hopkins, DDS

After attending Tulane University and receiving his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Mississippi in 1977, Dr. Hopkins graduated from the prestigious Emory University School of Dentistry in Atlanta, Georgia.

At Emory, Dr. Hopkins studied directly under Dr. Ronald Goldstein, considered the father of modern aesthetic dentistry.

Following graduation from Emory in 1981, Dr. Hopkins joined an esteemed multi-specialty practice in Palm Beach, Florida, where he honed his skills in numerous dental specialties: endodontics, periodontics, oral surgery and aesthetics.

While in Florida, Dr. Hopkins also completed the continuum at the Pankey Institute, the most renowned dental education institute in the world.

Learn More About Dr. Hopkins

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